FCPS Supports World Down Syndrome Day

On March 11, staff from the Frederick County Public Schools’ Special Education Department will ask the Board of Education to support World Down Syndrome Day on Saturday, March 21. The twenty-first day of the third month was selected when the day was made an international observance 15 years ago to signify the uniqueness of the triplication of the twenty-first chromosome, which causes Down Syndrome.

The Secretary-General of the United Nations said, “On this day, let us reaffirm that persons with Down Syndrome are entitled to the full and effective enjoyment of all human rights and fundamental freedoms. Let us each do our part to enable children and persons with Down Syndrome to participate fully in the development and life of their societies on an equal basis with others. Let us build an inclusive society for all.” 

FCPS is producing a video to support the observance. The public is encouraged to show support by wearing fun socks on Friday, March 20, and invited to share observances on social media using the hashtags #WDSDatFCPS and #LotsOfSocks.

The school system has partnered with Families Reaching, Influencing, Educating and Networking for Down Syndrome (F.R.I.E.N.D.S.) to create posters representing FCPS students with Down Syndrome. The posters will be distributed to schools prior to World Down Syndrome Day to foster awareness and inclusive opportunities for all.