Frederick County Public Schools is planning to hire 21 FCPS career coach positions to serve middle and high school students – just one of the many steps being undertaken to support the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future.
This week, FCPS entered into a memorandum of understanding with Frederick County Government, Frederick County Workforce Services, and Frederick Community College that will fulfill a local career counseling agreement in accordance with the Blueprint’s College & Career Readiness pillar, which requires students be prepared for success in college and the workforce.
The Blueprint for Maryland’s Future is legislation passed by the Maryland General Assembly in 2021 to transform public education in Maryland.
“One of the main goals of the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future is to ensure students are prepared for success after graduation, no matter what paths they choose,” FCPS Superintendent Dr. Cheryl L. Dyson said. “I’m appreciative of so many coming together in the county to work with us to ensure we are supporting what is best for our learners.”
The MOU calls for:
- FCPS to hire 21 FCPS career coach positions and one career coach coordinator
- Frederick County Workforce Services to hire one career coach coordinator
- FCC to assist with, and contribute, professional development and onboarding training for the career coach and coordinators.
The career coach positions will support students across FCPS starting with the 2023-24 school year.
The Blueprint’s College and Career Readiness pillar sets a new College and Career Readiness standard that requires career and technology programs to include expanded opportunities for students that are developed in partnership with the private sector, including apprenticeships and workplace experience that leads to industry-recognized credentials at no cost to families.
FCC will continue to offer Early College and Dual Enrollment opportunities for high school students at no cost to families. This year, 20 FCPS students are on track to graduate with a high school diploma and an associate’s degree from FCC.
The full MOU is posted online for more information.