The Pre-K application process for SY 25/26 will begin in March. Those applying now for the current school year, 24/25, will need to complete a new application.
Continue to check this site for up to date information!
Main Number: 240-586-PreK (7735)
Alyssa Palermo
Early Childhood Centralized Registrar
Sandy Truax
Administrative Assistant
Lauren Perry
Early Childhood Program Quality Coordinator
Kathleen Allen
Coordinator for Early Childhood Education & Judy Centers
Leslie Frei
Supervisor of Early Childhood Education and Judy Centers
Christy Donnelly
Teacher Specialist for Early Childhood Education
Kelly Robbins
Teacher Specialist for Early Childhood Education
Sheila Kahler
ECE Grant Manager
Important Note: Applying for FCPS public pre-kindergarten program, regardless of the time of year, DOES NOT automatically guarantee enrollment. Every attempt is made to provide space for as many children as possible, but because of funding restrictions, spaces are limited. In order for your application to be considered, all appropriate information must be completed and accompanied by ALL required documentation. Incomplete applications will not be processed and may affect your child’s placement.
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