Student Health Services
Jenifer Waters Health Services Specialist 240-586-8771 Fax: 240-586-8751 |
Kerri Griffin Health Services Coordinator 240-586-8774 Fax: 240-586-8751 |
Eman Justison Administrative Secretary 240-586-8754 Fax: 240-586-8751 |
School Health Services in Frederick County Public Schools are delivered by the Frederick County Health Department, utilizing a cluster model of service delivery. School nurses are Registered Nurses (RN) who serve as the leaders of the school health team in each school. Each school nurse supervises and provides health services for 2 to 3 schools. A dedicated Health Room Technician (HRT) or Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) is assigned to every school health room and carries out day to day operations of the school health room. HRTs and LPNs are responsible for the following:
- Providing first aid to students in need
- Responding to medical emergencies within the school
- Administering required treatments and medications to students
- Communicating with parents as needed
- Reporting to the school nurse
Health Room Technicians (HRTs) are Certified in School Health Services as Nursing Assistants (CNA) and Medication Technicians (CMT) by the Maryland Board of Nursing.
The LPN is an independently functioning nurse who is supervised by the Registered School Nurse. LPNs are assigned to some school health rooms instead of an HRT. In addition to the responsibilities above, the LPN performs nursing tasks and augments nursing services that can’t be delegated to HRTs.
Medications / Treatments
If medication or treatment is necessary during the school day, the parent/guardian(s) must provide a written order from the student’s healthcare provider for all prescription and over-the-counter medications or treatments.
Medications must be transported by an adult and provided to the school in the pharmacy bottle, correctly and completely labeled. Over-the-counter medication must be in the original, unopened container. Medications sent in envelopes, plastic bags or daily reminder containers cannot be administered.
Health Topics
Head Lice
- Head Lice 101: What You Should Know About Head Lice
- Piojos 101: Lo que debe saber sobre los piojos
- Head Lice Lessons: An Overview for Parents, Teachers & Communities
- Demystifying Pediculosis: School Nurses Taking The Lead, Deborah J. Pontius, Continuing Nursing Education, Pediatric Nursing
- Regulation 400-21: Pediculosis (Head Lice)
Health Forms
Required for Enrollment:
- Immunization Certification Form
- Vaccine Requirements for Children
- Lead Certificate
- Physical Examination
Required Annually:
Specialized Health Forms
- AED Monthly Safety Inspection Record 400-83-F04
- AED Signout Sheet 400-83-F01
- Asthma Medication Authorization 400-68-F02
- Authorization for Management of Anaphylaxis 200-39-F01
- Clean Intermittent Catherization (CIC) Authorization 400-68-F03
- Diabetic Management 400-68-F04
- Gastrostomy Reinsertion Authorization 400-68-F05
- Health Treatment Authorization 400-68-F09
- Maryland Medical Orders for Life Sustaining Treatment (MOLST) 400-39-F01
- Medical Emergency Protocol 400-39-F02
- Medication Authorization 400-23-F01
- Nebulizer Authorization 400-68-F08
- Physical Education Restriction Form 022-F01
- Special Dietary Needs Form 400-06-F01
- Tube Feeding Authorization 400-68-F10
Additional Health Topics, Policies and Regulations
- Policy 420: Physical Examinations/Immunizations for Students
- Regulation 200-26: Communicable Diseases
- Regulation 200-39: Emergency Care for Severe/Life Threatening Allergic Reactions
- Regulation 200-40: Physical Exams for Students
- Regulation 400-6: Food Allergies/Food Modifications
- Regulation 400-23: Medication Administration
- Regulation 400-39: Health: Do Not Resuscitate
- Regulation 400-64: Immunization Program
- Regulation 400-68: Health Treatments
- Regulation 400-80: Students with Diabetes
- Regulation 400-82: Wellness
- Regulation 400-83: Automatic External Defibrillators (AEDs)