Guidelines for Intermittent Home and Hospital Teaching
The following guidelines have been developed to define responsibilities in order to support the most effective use of Intermittent HHT (IHHT) services.
Parent/Legal Guardian Responsibilities
- Students approved for IHHT continue to attend school regularly, as able. Parent/legal guardian must provide a note to the school stating the reason for any absences throughout the school year.
- As of the IHHT approval date, the student becomes eligible for IHHT support if they accrue 2 or more full day absences from school in one academic week due to the verified chronic illness. Absences for reasons other than the chronic illness do not qualify for IHHT (i.e., vacation, court appearance, death in family, etc.).
- IHHT provides instructional support (tutoring) – it does not replace instruction provided in the classroom. Up to one hour of instructional support (tutoring) can be requested for each full day absence.
- When eligible, the parent/legal guardian must contact the IHHT Teacher to request services, if desired. The parent/legal guardian must request IHHT services by the end of the school week that the student became eligible.
- The parent/legal guardian is responsible for obtaining any missed work/assignments from their classroom teacher due to absences. Any assignment/work the student needs assistance with should be shared with the IHHT teacher in advance of IHHT sessions. The student must submit completed make-up work directly to their classroom teacher.
IHHT Teacher Responsibilities
- Upon accepting an IHHT assignment, the teacher contacts the parent/legal guardian within 2 school days to introduce themselves, share contact information and best method for contacting them.
- Schedule IHHT sessions as soon as possible, but no later than 1 week from the date of parent/legal guardian request. Up to 1 hour of instructional support (tutoring) may be scheduled for each full day absence.
- Maintain a Teacher Session Log to document any dates IHHT sessions were provided and submit to the HHT office twice monthly.
School Responsibilities
- The student’s school of enrollment is responsible for maintaining accurate official student attendance records for IHHT. Student is marked present for “HHT” only if the absence is due to the verified chronic illness and IHHT services were provided. Student Services HHT liaison will work with IHHT teachers and provide communication to school attendance personnel directly when updates to student attendance records are necessary based on documented dates IHHT sessions were provided, as appropriate.