Find Your Feeder Area

Find a Boundary Using Your Address

(Disclaimer: This resource is operated by Frederick County Government. If the address you are looking up is near a boundary border, we encourage you to call 240-586-8454 to make sure the information is correct).

Frederick County Map

  1. Click on the image above to access the Frederick County Government "School Finder" tool.
  2. Click “I Agree” when the disclaimer appears on the screen.
  3. Click the link for "School Finder Tool" in the left navigation pane.
  4. From the drop-down list, choose how you would like to select your address.
  5. Follow the instructions that apply to your choice in number 4 above. If you chose one of the map options, you can scroll in on the map using your mouse's scroll wheel or using the + and - on the upper left corner of the map screen. Left-click and hold to drag the map around to center your location.
  6. You can use the additional tools to toggle on or off elementary, middle or high school layers.

Boundary Maps 2024-25

High School

High School building

Middle School

middle school building

Elementary School

elememtary school building

High School Feeders 2024-25

Brunswick High
Brunswick MS
Brunswick ES
Valley ES

Catoctin High
Thurmont MS
Emmitsburg ES
Lewistown ES (portion)
Thurmont ES
Thurmont PS

Frederick High
Crestwood MS (portion)
Butterfly Ridge ES
Orchard Grove ES (portion)

West Frederick MS
Hillcrest ES
Lincoln ES (portion)
Parkway ES
Whittier ES

Gov. Thomas Johnson High
Gov. Thomas Johnson MS (portion)
Crestwood MS (portion)

Waverley ES (portion)
North Frederick ES
Spring Ridge ES (all to GTJMS, portion to GTJHS)

Monocacy MS
Lewistown ES (portion)
Monocacy ES
Waverley ES
Yellow Springs ES

Linganore High
New Market MS
Blue Heron ES (portion)
Twin Ridge (portion, all to LHS)
Liberty ES
New Market ES

Windsor Knolls MS (portion)
Green Valley ES (all to WKMS, portion to LHS)
Twin Ridge ES (portion, all to LHS)
Kemptown ES (all to WKMS, portion to LHS)

Middletown High
Middletown MS
Middletown ES
Middletown PS
Myersville ES
Wolfsville ES

Oakdale High
Governor Thomas Johnson MS (portion)
Spring Ridge ES (all to GTJMS, portion to OHS)

Oakdale MS
Blue Heron ES (portion)
Deer Crossing ES
Oakdale ES

Tuscarora High
Ballenger Creek MS
Ballenger Creek ES (portion, all to THS)
Carroll Manor ES
Orchard Grove ES (portion)
Tuscarora ES (portion, all to THS)

Crestwood MS (portion)
Ballenger Creek ES (portion, all to THS)
Lincoln ES (portion)
Tuscarora ES (portion, all to THS)

Urbana High
Urbana MS
Centerville ES
Sugarloaf ES
Urbana ES

Windsor Knolls MS (portion)
 Green Valley ES (all to WKMS, portion to UHS)
Kemptown ES (all to WKMS, portion to UHS)

Walkersville High
Walkersville MS
Glade ES
New Midway/Woodsboro ES
Walkersville ES