Special Education

Through ongoing collaboration with our local and state stakeholders, including parents, staff and students, the Department of Special Education serves FCPS by supporting systemic instructional programming focusing on eliminating the achievement gap, developing social competencies, nurturing independence, and preparing students with disabilities to become contributing members of a global society.

Jennifer Bingman
Associate Superintendent

Fax: (301) 644-5303

Katie Buckley
Director of Special Education
Instruction and Student Performance
Fax: 301-644-5303

Troy Keller
Director of Special Education
Specialized Programs and Supports

Fax: 301-644-5303


Stefanie Lavin
Elementary Supervisor of Instructional Programs (Child Find and Pre-Kindergarten)

Fax: 301-644-5305

Emily Quinlan
Elementary Supervisor of Instructional Programs (Kindergarten to Grade 5)

Fax: 301-644-5304

Christie Flayhart
Secondary Supervisor of Instructional Programs (High School to Age 21)

Fax: 301-644-5304

Adrienne Mayonado
Elementary Supervisor of Instructional Programs (Kindergarten to Grade 5)

Phone number: TBD

Heather Shevtsov
Secondary Supervisor of Instructional Programs (Middle Schools)

Fax: 301-644-5304

Christopher Klein
Supervisor of Speech Language Services and Related Services

Fax: 301-644-5305

Dr. Shannon Pisculli
Elementary Supervisor of Specialized Programs

Fax: (301) 644-5304

Lauren Regalia
Supervisor of Specialized Programs- Secondary

Fax: 301-644-5304

Matt Blazek
Supervisor of Behavior Analysts

Fax: 301-644-5304

Liz Stiffler
Coordinator for Nonpublic Placement

Fax: 301-644-5304

Melissa Huntsberry
504 Coordinator

Fax: 301-644-5303

JoAnn O'Toole
Executive Secretary

Fax: 301-644-5303

Child Find Services

Child Find is the process for locating, evaluating and identifying all children from birth through age 21 who are suspected of having a disability. Parents who suspect their child may have an educational disability should speak with staff at their child’s school. If a child is homeschooled, attending a parentally placed private school, or is 2 years, 9 months or older and not enrolled in FCPS, parents should contact the Child Find Office at 301 644 5292. Information regarding the Child Find process for children younger than 2 years, 9 months may be obtained from the Frederick County Developmental Center, 301 600-1611.

Child Find Brochure: English
Child Find Brochure: Spanish

The Child Find video showcases the continuum of preschool special education services available to children in Frederick County Public Schools who warrant the support of specialized instruction. Families, service providers and community members are invited to view the video to develop a better understanding of the supports available to some of our youngest learners.