What is Home Instruction (Home Schooling)?

Parents/guardians may choose to educate their children themselves rather than enrolling their children in a traditional public or private school. The parent who chooses to home school will provide regular and thorough instruction during the school year in the subjects usually taught in the public schools to children of the same age. Students who transfer to home schooling are no longer enrolled in Frederick County Public Schools (FCPS). Therefore, FCPS educational services, clubs, teams and IEP services are no longer available to the student who transfers to home schooling.



The home school parent/guardian has the flexibility to create, select and/or purchase the home school materials and/or programs they will use while home schooling. Neither the Home Instruction Office, nor the child’s school, provides curriculum or materials to be used while home schooling.


On the enrollment form, the home school parent/guardian will choose what entity will supervise your individual program, either the FCPS Home Instruction/School office or an "MSDE Umbrell School". MSDE Umbrella Schools are organizations registered with the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) who agree to provide homeschool oversight for families who educate their children at home. A list of these non-public organizations can be found at MSDE Umbrella Schools.


The home school parent/guardian will supply evidence of instruction in the following areas: English, mathematics, science, social studies, art, music, health and physical education. Reviews are required two times per school year. Multiple review options will be available.