Online Bus Information
FCPS Transportation Department |
We look forward to serving you. Our drivers and assistants are skilled, friendly, compassionate and take the utmost care in transporting your family safely to and from school each day.
Bus information for School Year 2024-25 is now available!
***Be sure to check back for changes that may still occur right before school starts***
- If you have already contacted the school and requested bus information (allowing 5-10 days for routing) your information will appear on-line as noted
- Click on either the “School Bus Stop Information” link or the School Bus (below)
- Enter your child’s Student ID & Birthdate
- Continue to check below for bus information. Your child may begin riding the bus when their bus information appears on-line.
- As we continue to route, times may change. Be sure to check your bus stop times right before school starts for any updates.
- If your bus information does not appear on the screen, please contact your child's school directly. Click here for school phone numbers.
- Please do NOT contact Transportation. All bus requests come from the schools.
- If you need to request or change school bus transportation, please contact your child’s school directly. Click here for school phone numbers.
- All transportation requests, changes, and questions MUST go through the school. Click here for school phone numbers.
School Bus Stop Information
Have your child’s student ID and birthdate available to find bus information.
- Parents of Special Needs students have the option to look up bus information on-line. Your child may begin riding the bus once you are contacted by the bus driver or bus assistant with final bus information.
- Parents in temporary housing: If you need special transportation for your child, please notify your child's school as soon as possible.
- Some stops may change subject to route reviews.
- We work diligently to resolve concerns. Safety concerns receive top priority.