About Our Facilities

Larry L. Phillips (LP)
Director of Maintainance & Operations

Heather Monroe
Executive Secretary

Reporting a Building Problem

The quickest way to report and resolve a building issue is to report it to the school’s front office.  Front office personnel are trained at entering Work Orders that route issues and problems to the appropriate Maintenance or Operations group that can resolve the item.  If the issue poses an immediate safety or health concern please indicate this to the front office staff so that the issue is assigned a proper level of attention.

Procedure to Modify an FCPS Facility

Individuals or groups must obtain permission before modifying or improving an FCPS facility. This applies to all facility occupants and users (e.g., school-based personnel, community recreation groups, churches, theatrical groups). Modifications and improvements covered under this requirement include, but are not limited to:

  • Athletics (storage sheds, benches, scoreboards, bleachers, dugouts, fences, backstops, irrigation)
  • PTSA Improvements (marquee signs, flagpoles, bike racks)
  • Field Improvements (herbicides, pesticides, fertilizers)
  • Landscaping (trees, shrubs, and memorial gardens)

This restriction is necessary to ensure that all such activity is done in compliance with state and local regulations and that FCPS agrees to assume the maintenance and liability associated with the changes. Unbudgeted Modification request forms are available in school offices or in the Facilities Services Division at 191 S. East St., Frederick, MD 21701. Please consult BOE Regulation 200-17 for more detail on the facility modification request process and BOE Regulation 200-33 for donations.

FCPS and the Environment

FCPS practices “green cleaning” to make its custodial operations as safe and environmentally friendly as possible. Green cleaning improves indoor air quality, decreases building-related illnesses, and reduces liability for the school system. To adhere to green cleaning tenets, we:

  • Avoid use of cleaning chemicals and techniques that can pose a health concern for building occupants
  • Train custodial staff on the proper use of chemicals and equipment, procure only those cleaning chemicals that include environmentally friendly ingredients
  • Strive to procure cleaning products that are manufactured, packaged and distributed in an environmentally friendly manner.

FCPS procures cleaning chemicals, paper products, and equipment certified as environmentally preferable by independent organizations such as Green Seal, Environmental Choice and the Carpet and Rug Institute. FCPS is a member of the United States Green Building Council.

Indoor Air Quality

Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) is a term used to characterize health and comfort-related conditions inside a building. Relevant factors include temperature, relative humidity, airborne and surface contaminants. In the overall assessment of occupant comfort, lighting and noise may also be considered. A building's IAQ is typically considered acceptable if occupants are not exposed to harmful contaminant concentrations and a large majority of the occupants are satisfied with indoor air conditions.

FCPS strives to provide a safe and healthful environment for its students, employees and visitors. Indoor air quality problems can be very complicated due to the complexity of the buildings and ventilation systems, highly charged emotions from occupants, and the fact that standard epidemiology and industrial hygiene evaluation techniques can be inconclusive. There are no regulated standards, and so FCPS relies on standard and widely accepted levels and ranges for standard IAQ indicators. These levels and ranges are deemed protective of the general population, but they may not be appropriate for hypersensitive individuals.

The key to maintaining a proper indoor environment is to ensure proper cleaning and provide the preventive and corrective maintenance and repair that ensure adequate fresh air, and prevent infiltration of excessive moisture that can lead to problems such as mold.

Energy Conservation

FCPS is constantly looking at new technology to increase energy conservation in its schools. Electricity is 65% of our energy operating cost. The Maintenance Department is involved in replacing metal halide lighting in gymnasiums with T5 high-output fluorescent lighting. The new lighting will use approximately half of the energy that the metal halide lights use.

FCPS is also working on installing occupancy sensors in classrooms that will shut off lights when the room is vacant. New construction and renovations are incorporating energy-efficient windows and doors, air-to-air heat exchangers, high-efficiency boilers, domestic hot water heaters, and air conditioning.

Optimum insulation is used for the exterior walls and roofs. Technologies such as solar panels, green roofs, and ground source heat pumps, are being used where practical. FCPS computers use networking software that automatically powers down all 12,000 computers within the system after normal business day concludes.

The Energy and Recycling Coordinator monitors utility use and billing and promotes energy conservation. The FCPS Be an Energy Saver program encourages staff to turn off lights, computers and other appliances when not in use, and to report any heating, cooling or other building issues. Conserving energy is a team effort, and FCPS promotes energy conservation systemwide.

Maintenance Costs