Technology Infrastructure

Edward Gardner
Director, Technology Infrastructure

(240) 586-8204
Fax: (301) 644-5342

Shelly Tribett
Budget, Purchasing and Support Coordinator

(240) 586-8204
Fax: (301) 644-5342

Christopher Bohner
Supervisor, Networks and Security

(240) 586-8215
Fax: (301) 644-5342

Douglas Favorite
Supervisor, Technology Support

(240) 586-8219
Fax: (240) 586-8299

Technology Infrastructure provides students and staff with technical resources to access, develop, manage, analyze, and communicate information in the most cost-effective manner to support student achievement and improve operational efficiency.

Electronic Device Usage Agreement

Welcome to the 1:1 Learning Initiative!

The use of a school issued device, during the school day or at home, is a privilege that comes with responsibilities. The following Frederick County Public Schools (FCPS) regulations apply while using any device including but not limited to school issued Chromebooks, Personal Mobile Devices (PMD), or any other electronic device used at school. This agreement must be reviewed, read and signed by all students and their parent/guardian.

FCPS will provide students needing a device at our schools with one. Secondary students will receive a Chromebook and accessories to use at school and at home. Elementary students will leave their FCPS provided devices at school at the end of each day. The use of technology in education is a tool to enhance the learning experience.

Download the Electronic Device Usage Agreement (Acuerdo de Uso de Dispositivos Electrónicos) for complete details.

FCPS Technology Regulations

FCPS Help Desk*
*The FCPS Technology Help Desk is for Internal FCPS Staff Only!