"MSDE Umbrella Schools" are organizations registered with the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) who agree to provide homeschool oversight for families who educate their children at home. Code of Maryland Regulations (COMAR) allows for three types of non-governmental entities to provide homeschool oversight to Maryland families. MSDE UMBRELLA schools are authorized by the state of Maryland and have their own set of guidelines for their students. That’s why it’s important that families research each UMBRELLA school thoroughly to make sure that it meets their unique needs, and allows them to comply with the Maryland's homeschooling laws.
This MSDE Umbrella Schools link provides a list of programs registered with the State of Maryland to provide supervision to home school students.
On the Home Instruction Notification Form - Part C Program Supervision, if you select OPTION B on the notification form Home Instruction Notification Form your child’s home school program will be reviewed by the program you choose from the Non-public Entities listed MSDE Registered Programs (MSDE Umbrella Schools) website. Your choice must come from this list.
You must include the name of the program you selected from the MSDE Umbrella Schools link, on the enrollment form: