Connect with School-Based Resources
Student success requires a partnership with schools and our families. Many of our schools have a Community Liaison whose primary responsibility is developing and maintaining home-school communication in matters related to social and academic growth of identified students. FCPS Community Liaisons work to support students and families as they navigate our school system and connect them to community resources to ensure student academic and social success. For more information on how a Community Liaison can support you, see What is a Community Liaison? (¿Qué es un enlace comunitario?)
Schedule an appointment with your school’s Community Liaison by contacting your school today.
Elementary Schools
Ballenger Creek Elementary
Butterfly Ridge Elementary
Hillcrest Elementary
Monocacy Elementary
North Frederick Elementary
Spring Ridge Elementary
Walkersville Elementary
Waverley Elementary
Whittier Elementary
Middle Schools
Ballenger Creek Middle
Crestwood Middle School
Gov. Thomas Johnson Middle
Monocacy Middle
Thurmont Middle
West Frederick Middle
High Schools
Frederick High
Governor Thomas Johnson High
Tuscarora High
Walkersville High
Specialized Schools & Programs
Heather Ridge School