Eligibility for Home and Hospital Teaching
HHT services can be recommended on a full-time, part-time, or intermittent basis. For full or part time HHT, elementary and middle school students must be anticipated to be unable to attend school for a minimum of 20 consecutive school days and high school students must be anticipated to be unable to attend school for a minimum of 10 consecutive school days. A student may be eligible for intermittent HHT when the chronic health condition is anticipated to cause frequent intermittent absences of at least 20% of school days during the school year (36 or more absences in a 180-day school year). Per Code of Maryland Regulations (COMAR), verification and recommendation due to a physical health condition must be provided by a licensed physician or certified nurse practitioner. Verification and recommendation due to an emotional health condition must be provided by a licensed psychiatrist, licensed psychologist, psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner (PMHNP), or certified school psychologist. For students on HHT for an emotional condition, a transition plan must be provided by the treating mental health professional to support the student’s return to school. Full or Part Time HHT services can be authorized for a maximum of 60 calendar days. A review and reverification process are required in the event the student is unable to return to school by that time. An approved Intermittent HHT recommendation is valid from approval through the end of the current school year. IHHT services require re-verification annually.