Attendance on Home and Hospital Teaching
Full-Time HHT: Students are coded “HHT” – a present code – for the duration of the time that HHT services are approved by medical or mental health professionals and the PPW. Absences from HHT sessions are to be reported by the HHT teacher via the “Student Grade and Attendance Report” at every mid-term, end of term, and end of HHT assignment. Schools should utilize that report to update the student’s attendance record appropriately. The parent/legal guardian is responsible for providing a written excuse to the school attendance office for any absences from scheduled HHT sessions.
Part-Time HHT: Students are coded “HHT” – a present code – for the courses they are not present for and are receiving on HHT, as indicated by medical or mental health professionals and approved by the PPW. Absences from HHT sessions are to be reported by the HHT teacher via the “Student Grade and Attendance Report” at every mid-term, end of term, and end of HHT assignment. Schools should utilize that report to update the student’s attendance record appropriately. The parent/legal guardian is responsible for providing a written excuse to the school attendance office for any absences from scheduled HHT sessions.
Intermittent HHT: Students are to be marked absent when not present at school. The parent/legal guardian is responsible for submitting a note to the school attendance office stating the reason for the absence, otherwise the absence will be coded as unlawful. HHT teachers are responsible to report any intermittent HHT service hours they provide for the student to the school attendance office. This will result in the student’s absence being changed to “HHT” – a present code – by the school attendance office. Intermittent HHT services can only be provided for absences related to the verified physical or emotional condition. For example, intermittent HHT will not be provided for absences related to vacation days, court appearances, death in family, etc.