
Kindergarten Enrollment

  • If your child attended Pre-K at the home school you will not need to re-enroll.
  • If your child attended Out of District for their Pre-K program – you will need to re-enroll for the upcoming academic year.

Register your student & upload your documents

To enroll your student for School Year 2025 starting August 21, 2024

If you are unable to enroll your student using our online portal, you may download an official FCPS Enrollment Form and return to your student’s school.

Not sure of your child's home school? Check the boundary maps or contact Student Services at 240-236-5323.

All FCPS kindergarten programs are full day, most starting at 9 a.m. and dismissing around 3:30 p.m. To enter kindergarten in August, a child must turn 5 years old on or before September 1 of that calendar year. Children entering first grade must have completed public kindergarten or have been approved for entry by FCPS. Whenever possible, parents are encouraged to register their children well in advance of the first day of school so that schools and teachers are prepared to accommodate enrollment.

Parents who do not wish to enroll a 5-year-old in a kindergarten or other approved program may request a Kindergarten One-Year Maturity Waiver. At the end of the waiver year, the student will enter kindergarten rather than first grade. ECE Office will accept K Waiver Forms for the next school year starting on April 1st of the current school year.

Early Entrance to Kindergarten

Applications must be received by 4 PM, Wednesday, May 31, 2024.

The intent of early entrance is to identify children, who are born within 45 days of the September 1st deadline, (September 2nd – October 16th) and whose capabilities warrant early admission. In order to be considered for the early entrance exception, the child must exhibit advanced skills in language arts and mathematics. In addition, information will be gathered to verify the child’s developmental readiness.