The Maryland General Assembly seeks Frederick County high school seniors to serve as Pages during the upcoming legislative session.
Frederick County may select up to five seniors to serve as Pages, with an additional selection as an alternate. Each selected Page serves two nonconsecutive weeks in either the House of Delegates or the State Senate. During the 13 weeks of the session, which runs from the second week in January to early April 2024, each Page serves one week during the first eight weeks and returns for a second week during the last five.
Pages support the chamber where they are assigned. When the assigned chamber is in session, pages distribute materials to members, assist visitors, deliver messages, run errands and keep bill books updated. Pages do not work in the offices of delegates or senators.
Interested seniors should contact their school’s Page Advisor or Dr. Colleen Bernard,, Curriculum Specialist for Secondary Social Studies and Frederick County Page Coordinator for more information about the school and county selection processes. Each high school conducts its own process in September/early October to nominate one student by October 4th to participate in the virtual county selection forum on October 12 from 2:30 p.m. – 5 p.m. Attendance at this forum is required for all nominees.
The Speaker and President of the Maryland General Assembly will notify students selected to participate, starting November 17, 2023.
To qualify, a student must be a senior and at least 16 years of age, have or obtain a social security number, exhibit an interest in government and history, have an average or above average scholastic record, and show a commitment to civic engagement in their school and community. Additional qualifications are outlined in the student information packet available from the school Page Advisor.
See the promo video highlighting past FCPS student participation for more information.