FCPS Superintendent Shares Recommended Fiscal Year 2026 Operating Budget

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FCPS Superintendent Dr. Cheryl L. Dyson shared her recommended Fiscal Year 2026 operating budget intended to build on the successes of recent years while providing students with the resources they need.

Dr. Dyson’s recommended budget is based on the feedback received at community and employee listening sessions held throughout the fall. The budget focuses on maintaining programs and services for students, including:

  • Preserving current class size formulas for staffing.
  • Retaining the technology replacement and refurbishment cycle for technology students use.
  • Ensuring access of up to 4 dual enrollment courses per year in grades 11 and 12 at no cost to students and families.
  • Continuing to provide preschool to all 3 and 4 year old students who are income eligible.
  • Advancing our work for high quality instructional materials with the implementation of comprehensive math and literacy plans grounded in the Science of Reading.
  • Supporting our ongoing efforts to ensure services and supports for students with disabilities.
  • Maintaining our Remote Virtual Program for grades 6, 7, and 8 with entrance opportunities for students in grades 4 and 5.
  • On average, 2% for the salary resource pool pending negotiation.

“The budget I am presenting reflects both realism and hope,” Dyson said. “It prioritizes what matters most: keeping our students safe, engaged, and supported, while ensuring our staff have the tools they need to thrive. It’s a budget shaped by your voices—by the dreams, concerns, and questions we’ve heard from parents, staff, students, and community members.”

More details are available in Dr. Dyson’s video message, which can be viewed via the FCPS Maryland YouTube page.

A quick snapshot of the budget request is available online.

Today’s release of the superintendent’s recommended operating budget request is one of several key steps in the budget process. The Board of Education of Frederick County will host a public hearing at 6 p.m. Wednesday, January 29, at Tuscarora High School. The full budget calendar is posted online.