National Native American Heritage Month 2024

November is National Native American Heritage Month.

The Library of Congress, National Archives and Records Administration, National Endowment for the Humanities, National Gallery of Art, National Park Service, Smithsonian Institution and United States Holocaust Memorial Museum join in paying tribute to the rich ancestry and traditions of Native Americans.

Visit the FCPS LibGuide for National Native American Heritage Month


How many Native American tribes lived in Frederick County before the county was formed?

The seven Native American tribes that lived in Frederick County were: Seneca, Delaware, Piscataway, Coney, Tuscarora, Shawnee, and Susquehanna.

¿Cuántas tribus nativas americanas vivían en el condado de Frederick antes de que se formara el condado?

Las siete tribus nativas americanas que vivían en el condado de Frederick eran: Seneca, Delaware, Piscataway, Coney, Tuscarora, Shawnee y Susquehanna.


Did you know the Monocacy River that flows through Frederick County was a site where Native Americans hunted and fished for thousands of years. “About 2,000 years ago, the Seneca, Shawnee, and other Indians lived here in intermittent or permanent villages…. The Shawnee called the river the Monnockkesy, the ‘river with many bends,’ while other Indians referred to the river as ‘the garden creek’ because of the lush vegetation bordering its banks.”

¿Sabía que el río Monocacy que atraviesa el condado de Frederick fue un sitio donde los Nativos Americanos cazaron y pescaron durante miles de años? “Hace unos 2,000 años, los Séneca, Shawnee y otros Indios vivían aquí en aldeas intermitentes o permanentes…. Los Shawnee nombraron el río Monnockkesy, el 'río con muchas curvas', mientras que otros indios se refirieron al río como 'el arroyo del jardín' debido a la exuberante vegetación que bordea sus orillas".

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