Transition Resources
Transition Timeline
Between the ages of 14 and 18:
- Apply for long-term DDA services and DORS
- Maintain transition files to include assessments, IEP, resume, etc.
- Participate in work experience in school and in the community
- Participate in self-advocacy and independent living skills
- Develop a long-range vision based on strengths and interests
Between the ages of 18 and 20:
- Apply for SSI benefits
- Apply for DORS services
- Consider participating in a Career Assessment
- Become familiar with adult services
- Attend transition workshops
- Apply for Medical Assistance
During the spring and summer prior to the last year of school:
- Attend a Transitioning Youth Fair
- Discuss recommendations for appropriate services with your Transition Support Team
- Make sure your transition files are current and complete
- Visit and interview at least three DDA adult providers (see provided list)
During the final year of school:
- Submit your provider selections on the choice letter
- Complete the provider application with any additional documentation needed
- Review your long-range vision based on strengths and interests
- Request that DORS develop an individual plan for services
- Secure permanent employment