Primary Talent Development

FCPS maintains a strong commitment to the education of highly able and academically gifted students through a variety of programs and services.  Primary Talent Development (PTD) is an instructional model that provides all students opportunities to develop their talents and achieve  their fullest potential.  Research-based instructional resources and strategies engage, challenge, and identify the strengths of students. Classroom teachers utilize these strategies to ignite and develop the potential of advanced performance in all primary students within the regular education setting.


Tips for Parents

Teacher and StudentsOpen Minds, Open Doors (OMOD) lessons are designed to level the playing field for primary students regardless of ethnicity or socio-economic status. These lessons allow teachers to observe exceptionality in the four core cognitive areas: memory, spatial skills, logic, and creativity. These lessons are directly tied to the Maryland College & Career Readiness Standards in mathematics and language arts for kindergarten, first, and second grades.

The goals of Primary Talent Development are:

  • Provide lesson modeling and professional development for quality implementation of the Open Minds, Open Doors program.
  • Support teachers to effectively talent-spot students with exceptional ability and high potential.
  • Curate and develop resources and classroom strategies for teachers as they create, implement and monitor Highly Able Action Plans for identified students.
  • Facilitate ongoing curricular improvements to the Open Minds, Open Doors program for grades Pre-K-2.