Purpose: Every student deserves an education that prepares them for lifelong learning and success. A primary goal of the Department of Equity and Organizational Development is to ensure that our school system practices are equity-driven and evidence-informed. Equity-driven means that every student has access to the opportunities, resources, and educational rigor they need throughout their educational career to maximize academic success and social/emotional well-being and to view each student’s individual characteristics as valuable. Equity-driven practice also means that impacts on marginalized student groups are addressed when considering any program, practice, decision, or action, with a strategic focus on identifying and eliminating potential barriers.

Originating in medicine, evidence-informed practice focuses attention on evidence in decision-making and action, while recognizing the clinical expertise of the professional and the unique needs of the individuals. In education, this acknowledges the fact that it is challenging to determine what works for whom under what circumstances and research is one of several factors that influences decision-making. Cognitive development and prior experiences are variable, what works for one teacher may not work the same way for another. What works in today’s lesson might not work in next week’s lesson. The goal is to utilize evidence, combined with on-the-ground information, to increase what Paul Kirschner and Tim Surma call “the efficiency, effectiveness, and success of our teaching and of children’s learning.”

The Department of Equity and Organizational Development supports the advancement of student achievement by building the professional capacity of FCPS employees and developing high quality professional learning experiences to ensure all employees have access to leadership and career pathways. Our aim will ensure that our students, no matter who they are and no matter their background or circumstances, are welcomed, valued, empowered, and prepared to succeed in college and careers.

Mission Statement: Cultivate the growth of all FCPS staff, students, and community members by advancing equity-driven and evidence-informed learning experiences.

Vision Statement: To create a culture that elevates the student and staff experience through premier systemic practices.