15 Ways FCPS Student Athletes Respect the Game
- By following all of the rules and respecting the calls officials make.
- By listening to coaches and following directions.
- By not trash-talking opponents
- By shaking hands with opponents after games.
- By refusing to miss practices and working hard at all of them.
- By not posting negative social media comments about opponents or teammates.
- By always doing what's best for the team.
- By assisting teammates who need help.
- By thanking fans for supporting them.
- By playing safely and within the rules.
- By encouraging teammates who are struggling.
- By doing the best they can all the time.
- By playing for the name on the front of the jersey and not the back.
- By reminding parents not to yell at officials or coaches.
- By reminding student-sections to cheer appropriately.
Sportsmanship Award
The Sportsmanship Award began with the 2015-2016 school year. All 10 high school principals and all 10 athletic directors voted to determine the annual Sportsmanship Award. They based their votes on the sportsmanship they observed the past school year, taking into account behavior of coaches, student-athletes, fans, spectators and parents. Beginning with the 2017-2018 school year, two FCPS schools (one Gambrill Division school and one Spires Division school) were now eligible for the sportsmanship award. Finally, in preparation for the 2018-2019 school year, the decision was made that schools with sportsmanship-related student-athlete or coach ejections would not be eligible for the award. #SportsmanshipCounts
2024 Winner: Walkersville High School
Walkersville High assistant principal Greg Keller, FCPS Supervisor of Athletics and Extracurricular Activities Kevin Kendro, Walkersville High principal Dr. Stephanie Ware, and Walkersville High Athletic Director Sonny Joseph are shown with the FCPS Sportsmanship Award banner for 2024. The banner will be proudly displayed at Walkersville High.
FCPS and CMC Student Athletes Make Us Proud
Central Maryland Conference student athletes make us proud when they compete. They definitely know how to respect the game. It is our hope that everyone will support our student-athletes as we create a culture for excellence in academics, athletics and character development. After all, we all should respect the game.
Fans Code of Conduct
In recent years many sports fans have lost perspective and have associated the collegiate and professional sports with that of high school programs. Consequently, some problem areas not associated with an educational program have occurred.
A Fan's Responsibilities
Show respect for the opponent at all times. The opponent should be treated as a guest, greeted cordially on arriving, given the best accommodations and offered tolerance, honesty and generosity.
Show respect for the officials. Officials should be recognized as impartial arbitrators who are trained to do their job and who can be expected to do it to the best of their ability.
Know, understand and appreciate the rules of the contest. A familiarity with the current rules of the game in recognition of their necessity for a fair contest is essential.
Maintain self-control at all times. A prerequisite of good sportsmanship requires one to understand his/her own bias or prejudice and to have the ability to recognize that rational behavior is more important than the desire to win.
Recognize and appreciate skill and performance regardless of affiliation. Applause for an opponent's good performance is a demonstration of generosity and proper sportsmanship.