High School English/Language Arts

High school students develop the reading, writing and critical thinking skills they will need to be successful in the 21st century. The English and language arts program focuses on:

Reading Comprehension

Students bring purpose and life experiences to the text by activating prior knowledge, connecting life experiences to the text, setting purposes for reading, predicting, decoding text, summarizing, visualizing, questioning, monitoring understanding, using clarifying and corrective strategies, reflecting and applying meaning.


Students experience a wide range of text through poems, newspapers, short stories, nonfiction, essays, excerpts and novels. They read more challenging pieces as they master literary analysis through their middle school years.


Sue Ann Nogle
Curriculum Specialist

(301) 644-5328

Kristi McGrath
Teacher Specialist

Carolyn Korb
Administrative Secretary

(301) 644-5328


Vocabulary / Word Study

Students learn prefixes, suffixes, and word roots from Greek, Latin, and other languages to build basic vocabulary skills. While studying individual words does increase student vocabulary, more importantly, students learn the meanings of the basic building blocks of the English language. Thus, when they encounter unfamiliar terms as they read, they are able to use knowledge of word parts and context clues to decipher them.


Fluent readers read automatically and accurately by sounding out or recognizing words, and they read orally with expression.


Students are challenged to write to express personal feelings and thoughts, inform, persuade and respond to literature. They also write for a wide array of audiences and are taught the appropriate ways to address these audiences. 

Language Usage

Students learn grammar and language usage in order to effectively express themselves. Study includes the basic mechanics and structural elements of English and how to apply these when speaking and writing.

Research Skills

In our ever-changing technological society,  students must develop the skills to find reliable and appropriate information.  Researching and documenting both print and electronic sources correctly are essential skills taught in all English and language arts classes.