Work Based Learning

Michael Brown
Work Based Learning Teacher Specialist

Phone: 240-586-7764

These programs allow juniors and seniors to experience a hands-on career placement within their career pathway. Businesses and community organizations interested in partnering with FCPS to offer work-based learning opportunities are asked to complete this form. A representative from the CTE office will contact you.

Watch the Work-Based Learning Overview video on YouTube.

Career Research & Development Completer Program

This two-year MSDE completer program is available at all high schools and includes two in-school courses (Introduction to Career, Research and Development and Advanced Career Development, Preparation  and Transition) and a paid work experience (work study or Youth Apprenticeship) that reflects future employment plans. Most students attend their home high schools in the morning and work in the afternoon. Interested students should contact their high school Work Based Learning Coordinators to obtain information and an application packet.

Work Study

This program allows students to receive credit for their paid work experience.  The student’s employer and the Work Based Learning Coordinator partner to ensure that the student’s experience teaches him or her about the world of work and prepares the student for future careers.

Watch the CTE Work Study video on YouTube.

Youth Apprentice Program

FCPS was selected as one of two counties in Maryland to pilot the Maryland Youth Apprenticeship "Earn and Learn" Program. Participating students work during the summer after the junior year and during the senior year in a state-approved industry. They work with a mentor to learn valuable skills and earn industry credentials and high school credit. More information and student applications can be found on the Youth Apprenticeship webpage.

Watch the MD Youth Apprentice Program video on YouTube.


Juniors and seniors gain valuable career-related experiences in the field in which they plan to major in college. Each intern is paired with an adult mentor who helps craft the internship. Interested students should contact their high school Work Based Leading Coordinator to obtain an information and application packet.

Watch the FCPS Internships video on YouTube.