Reading Interventions

Brittney Garst
Reading Intervention Teacher Specialist

(240) 586-7378
Maggie Hawk
Intervention Teacher Specialist

(240) 586-7369
Michelle Dennis
Intervention Teacher Specialist

(240) 586-7381

Beyond the regular day-to-day teaching at each grade level, Frederick County Public Schools (FCP offers intervention programs for students who need help in specific academic areas.  The goal of these programs is to provide targeted instruction to help students meet grade-level standards as quickly as possible. FCPS utilizes multiple assessments, including universal screening and diagnostic assessments, for placement and progress monitoring.  These assessments drive the decisions about students’ academic success who are identified as being at some level of risk for not meeting grade level expectations.

Checklist of Early Warning Signs of Reading Difficulty

  Language Reading Writing Emotional

Students Ages 5-8

  1. Learning the alphabet
  2. Rhyming words
  3. Repeating what was said
  4. Staying focused
  5. Learning to speak
  1. Naming letters
  2. Matching letters to sounds
  3. Learning to read as expected
  4. Remembering printed words
  5. Remembering sight words
  1. Learning to write and copy
  2. Writing letters in correct order
  3. Writing numbers in correct order.
  4. Spelling correctly/consistently
  5. Writing neatly
  1. Poor self-confidence
  2. Low self-esteem
  3. Poor social skills
  4. Making and keeping friends
  5. Easily frustrated
Reading Intervention Programs
Intervention Program Grade(s) Description
Neuhaus Reading Readiness
  • K-1
Intensive, structured literacy intervention focusing on skills needed at the primary (K-1) level.
Really Great Reading: Blast
  • 2nd
Accelerated Foundational Reading intervention for students needing targeted instruction in skills in the 1st grade level.
Really Great Reading: HD Word
  • 3rd
Accelerated Foundational Reading intervention for students needing targeted instruction in skills 2nd grade level.
Really Great Reading: Phonics Boost
  • 6th-12th
Accelerated 1st-3rd Grade Foundational Reading skills intervention for secondary students needing advanced phonics and oral reading fluency support.
Language Foundations
  • 2nd-12th
An intensive structured, sequential, multisensory, evidence-based, reading intervention.
O-G "Plus"
  • 1st after MOY
  • 2nd-12th
An intensive structured, sequential, multisensory, evidence-based, reading intervention.
Sounds in Syllables
  • 2nd-12th
    with Central Office Collaboration
An intensive structured, sequential, multisensory, evidence-based, reading intervention.
Exploring Reading
  • 3rd-5th
A program that explicitly teaches students how to integrate essential reading strategies to successfully comprehend complex texts
Read 180
  • 6th-8th
A computer-adaptive, comprehensive reading intervention for students in middle school that uses a blended instructional model to accelerate reading achievement and writing skills
Achieve 3000 and Year-Long ELA
  • 9th-10th
A computer-adaptive, comprehensive reading intervention for students in high school that uses a blended instructional model to accelerate reading achievement and writing skills.
Intensive Specially Designed Instruction
  • K-12th
    Written into IEP
This level of support is delivered through a specially designed instructional plan developed in coordination with a student’s IEP.