CTE: Information Technology

CTE: Information Technology

In today’s tech-driven world, pursuing a computer science pathway is invaluable for students. At each high school, students can take courses like Foundations of Computer Science, AP Principles, AP A, and Advanced Computing Concepts, with opportunities to earn industry certifications. Alternatively, they can apply to the Career and Technology Center (CTC) for specialized programs in Cisco Operating Systems, Cybersecurity, and Networking Academy, where they can also earn industry-recognized Cisco and CompTIA certifications.

Career and Technical Education (CTE) Opportunities

CTE Program School Industry Recognized Credential
Computer Science All High Schools -

Career and Technology Center (CTC) Opportunities (Open to all students - Applicatioin Required)

CTC Program Industry Recognized Credential
Cisco Operating Systems
  • Cisco Certification
Cisco Cybersecurity
  • Cisco Certification
Cisco Networking Academy
  • CompTIA Certifications


If you enjoy: 

  • Utilizing technology to solve problems and perform tasks
  • Change and adapting to new technology
  • Working independently towards team goals 
  • Being innovative and creative
  • Collaborating with others on complex problems
  • Analytics

Then you might enjoy a career as a:

  • Programmer
  • Software or App Developer
  • Web Developer
  • IT Project Manager
  • Information Security Analyst
  • Artificial Intelligence Engineer
  • Computer Hardware Engineer 
  • Video Game Developer

For more information about opportunities within the Information Technology Cluster, please see your School Counselor or Career Coach.

For detailed course offerings and class sequences, please see the Course and Planning Guides.

Work Based Learning (WBL) Opportunities available at every school

Career Research and Development Pathway with Work Study Internship Youth Apprentice Program
Work Based Learning Coordinators and Career Coaches can help you identify a local employer in this industry.

Career and Technical Student Organizations

SkillsUSA logo

CTSOs are student-led organizations that provide opportunities for students to develop leadership, teamwork, and career-related skills. They often focus on specific career fields such as business, technology, agriculture, or health/human services. These co-curricular student experiences are embedded within various CTE programs. CTSOs can offer a variety of activities, including competitions, conferences, community service projects, and networking events.

Additional Opportunities

Dual Enrollment
College credit opportunities are available within this program. Please review the course guide for the most current Dual Enrollment opportunities.

Sample Schedule
Below is a sample schedule of how students can complete a CTE program while satisfying their graduation requirements.  Please note, these sample schedules are not official options and students should consult their guidance counselor for the most accurate advice regarding scheduling.

Sample Schedule: Information Technology