Multilingual Education Program

The Multilingual Education Program promotes successful integration in mainstream academic programs for Multilingual (ML) students in pre-kindergarten through grade 12 whose first, or primary, language is not English and who have not yet attained English language proficiency. As part of the enrollment process, ML students new to Frederick County are assessed for English language proficiency to determine if they qualify for ME Program services.

The ME Program recognizes the vital importance of parental involvement and provides interpreters for parent conferences as well as many translated documents.

All ML students are able to receive ME Program services in their home school during the school day. Summer-school support is offered as the budget permits.

For student enrollment information, please see our Enrollment page.

The FCPS Multilingual Education Program Mission:

The FCPS Multilingual Education (ME) Program’s Mission is to provide Multilingual Learners (MLs) with equitable access to comprehensive educational services, as required under Title III of the Every Student Succeeds Act.

Program Vision:

The FCPS Multilingual Education (ME) Program responds to the ever-changing needs of our community and strives to accomplish the following: 

  • Provide students with equitable access to a well-rounded, rigorous education 
  • Foster a sense of belonging for students and their families by appreciating their assets
  • Eliminate opportunity gaps for Multilingual Learners (MLs)
  • Deliver culturally and linguistically responsive services to the community
  • Collaborate with and educate diverse stakeholders on how to best serve the multilingual community


Kaitlin Moore
Dr. Kaitlin Moore
Multilingual Education Program Supervisor
Central Office/ME Program
191 S East St, 4th floor
Frederick, MD 21701
fax 240-586-7751

Chris Beers-Arthur
Chris Beers-Arthur
Multilingual Education Program Coordinator

Central Office/ME Program
191 S East Street, 4th floor
Frederick, MD 21701
fax 240-586-7751

photo of Liz Miranda
Liz Miranda

ME Program Achievement Specialist
Central Office/ME Program
191 S East Street, 4th floor
Frederick, MD 21701
Fax 240-586-7751

Megan Hailu
Megan Hailu
ME Program Teacher Specialist
Central Office/ME Program
191 S East Street, 4th floor
Frederick, MD 21701
fax 240-586-7751

photo of Michelle Silver
Michelle Silver
ME Program Teacher Specialist
Central Office/ME Program
191 S East Street, 4th floor
Frederick, MD 21701
fax 240-586-7751

Elizabeth Villacis portrait
Elizabeth Villacis

Coordinator of the International Office (Spanish Native Speaker)

International Office
201 Waverley Drive
Frederick, MD 21702
fax 227-203-3989

Sonia Dorsey portrait
Sonia Dorsey

Coordinator of English Language Interpreting Services (Spanish Native Speaker)

International Office
201 Waverley Drive
Frederick, MD 21702
fax 227-203-3989

Maria Fahnestock
Maria Amalia Vargas
Coordinator of Family Engagement and Partnerships (Spanish Native Speaker)
International Office
201 Waverley Drive
Frederick, MD 21702
fax 227-203-3989

Jasmine Shortridge portrait
Jasmine Shortridge

ME Program Social Worker (Spanish Native Speaker)

International Office
201 Waverley Drive
Frederick, MD 21702
fax 227-203-3989

Melissa Gaeta
Melissa Gaeta
Language Specialist

International Office
201 Waverley Drive
Frederick, MD 21702
fax 227-203-3989

Brenna Spickler
Brenna Spickler
ME Program Registrar
Secondary Registrar (Grades 6-12)

International Office
201 Waverley Drive
Frederick, MD 21702
fax 227-203-3989

Maria Sedillo portrait
Marisa Sedillo

ME Program Registrar (Spanish Native Speaker)
Elementary Registrar (Grades K-5)

International Office
201 Waverley Drive
Frederick, MD 21702
227-203-3980 Main line (se habla español)
fax 227-203-3989

Juana Castelo Guzman
Juana Castelo Guzman
ME Program Spanish Transcriber

191 S East Street, 4th Floor
Frederick, MD 21701
Fax 240-586-7751


Wendy Guzman
Wendy Guzman
MEP Administrative Assistant

Central Office/ME Program
191 S East Street, 4th floor
Frederick, MD 21701
fax 240-586-7751