Equity in Grading

Equity in Grading in FCPS

Frederick County Public Schools (FCPS) is committed to ensuring that students’ grades reflect what they know and are able to do, and that classroom grading practices are consistent, accurate, fair, and transparent. Each year, teachers and leaders examine their grading practices to ensure that grading is aligned to these goals. A brief video highlighting FCPS beliefs and practices around grading can be found here

Middle and High Schools

As described in FCPS Regulation 416-01, Grading, Reporting, and Intervention, grades are a reflection of student progress towards mastering essential curriculum standards. In FCPS, grades do not reflect Habits of Work such as participation or effort. Teachers use Schoology to maintain their gradebooks and communicate progress to students and their parents/guardians.

Below are some highlights and areas of focus for FCPS middle and high schools in 2024-25:

  • Reassessment: Students are strongly encouraged to do their best work the first time.  For some assessments in each course, students may have the opportunity to reassess if they have not achieved proficiency on the first attempt (typically a C or lower). These assignments are typically summative in nature. The specific reassessment opportunities and criteria for doing so are determined by the department or course team.
  • Late Work (Due Dates and Deadlines): Students are strongly encouraged to use their class time to complete assignments and assessments. To ensure greater consistency with the handling of late work, teachers may distinguish between due dates and deadlines. Due dates are the planned dates that an assignment is required to be completed to receive full credit. Deadlines are the final dates an assignment is eligible for credit (reduced by no more than one letter grade). Sometimes due dates and deadlines are the same, while other assignments lend themselves to an extended deadline as determined by the teacher.
  • Homework assignments are generally assigned for practice and preparation and count no more than ten percent of the grade, as described in FCPS Regulation 416-03, Homework Guidelines. 
  • Habits of Work: Although grades do not factor in Habits of Work such as participation or effort, they are an important factor in student learning and future success in college and careers. This year, some teachers will begin reporting Habits of Work to students and parents/guardians in Schoology, on a 4-point scale separate from the grade (see example of 4-point scale below). This is optional for teachers and not calculated as part of the grade. 

The Habits of Work are intended to share information about important skills for academic and career success. For 2024-25, they  are: 

  •      Attendance and Dependability
  •      Learner Agency and Self Development
  •      Social Responsibility and Team Player
  •      Effort and Work Ethic

The Habits of Work descriptions can be found here

Non-Traditional Gradebooks: In 2024-25, a small number of teachers are field testing a non-traditional gradebook system, using a 4-point performance scale instead of traditional percentages (see scale below). When using this system, teachers will communicate directly with students and parents/guardians with more information about how this system works and how it helps students in their learning progress. Note: Students will still receive traditional letter grades on report cards and transcripts, and when combined with reassessment opportunities, will continue to be well-positioned for college admissions and future success.

Distinguished (4)

Students have advanced proficiency in meeting the standard, as indicated by consistent application or thoroughness. Students are well prepared for the next stage of learning and are on track for college and career readiness


Proficient (3)

Students are proficient in meeting the standard and have demonstrated readiness for the next stage of learning, and are on track for college and career readiness.

Developing (2)

Students are considered to have partial proficiency and may need additional academic support to be successful in the next stage of learning.

Beginning (1)

Students are considered to not yet have proficiency and may need substantial academic support to be successful or to demonstrate proficiency of the standard.

For additional information about secondary FCPS grading expectations, please see FCPS Regulation 416-01, Grading, Reporting, and Intervention. 

Elementary Schools 

At the elementary level, FCPS will continue to focus on implementation of new high quality instructional materials (HQIM) in Language Arts and Mathematics. Elementary parents/guardians will not see any major changes to grading or report cards. 

As part of classroom instruction, all students take important assessments that measure their progress in reading and mathematics.  Throughout the year, reports about these assessments will be sent home regularly, to keep parents/guardians informed about their child’s progress. Read more about how FCPS measures, monitors, and supports the progress of all PreK-12 students in their Learning Journey. Additional information on specific assessments can be found here.