Middle School Overview

In this rapidly changing world, this generation of middle school students will live and work in an increasingly interdependent, global society. To do so successfully, students will need to be culturally competent, be critical, creative thinkers, and skilled problem solvers. With this reality in mind, the Frederick County Public Schools have developed a Middle School Program of Studies that is designed to promote:

  • Academic Excellence - challenging all students with robust curriculum, instruction, assessment, and supports needed to meet rigorous achievement standards.
  • Cultural and Developmental Responsiveness - creating learning communities of adults and students in which stable, close, and mutually respectful relationships support the intellectual, ethical, and social growth of all students.
  • College and Career Ready - providing a variety of experiences that encourage students to begin to look to their future to explore various career options, including Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) jobs, and the preparation necessary to produce high quality work and achieve success in the world of college and work.

    In addition to the core subjects of language arts, mathematics, science and social studies, the Middle School Program of Study provides students with a variety of fine and practical arts courses as well as the opportunity to study a world language. The program also includes:
  • Academic Supports for students not meeting grade-level standards in reading and mathematics
  • Extension activities for students who demonstrate the need for further challenge
  • Multiple learning and teaching approaches to meet the needs of all learners
  • Access to guidance and support services that promote health and wellness

Without question, the time period between 10- 14 years of age is one of incredible growth and change. In order to support your child through this important developmental stage, the partnership between home and school cannot be understated. We believe in the:

  • Importance of parents being knowledgeable about the characteristics of young adolescents and being actively involved in their child’s life;
  • Understanding that healthy bodies plus healthy minds equal healthy young adolescents;
  • Realization that the education your child experiences during this formative period of life will, in large measure, determine his/her success in high school and beyond; and
  • Knowledge that every young adolescent should have the opportunity to pursue his or her dreams and aspirations, and post-secondary education should be a possibility for all.

If you should have questions, please contact your child’s school principal.

Tips for Parents

  • Encourage your child to challenge himself or herself by working up to his or her ability in appropriate classes.

  • Recognize study habits are an important part of academic achievement. Your child will need to learn to organize his or her materials, write down homework assignments, and complete homework assignments independently.

  • Encourage your child to take advantage of opportunities to explore interests. Well-rounded students are the happiest students.

  • Continue to attend parent conferences and stay involved in your child’s academic success. Do not hesitate to contact your child’s teachers or school counselor if you have questions or concerns.

  • Help your child set short- and long-term goals. Praise your child for successes and provide support when needed.

  • Be patient. Adolescence is a time of great growth and change.