Middle School World Languages

Students examine a variety of languages in an exploratory course and may take credited classes in French, Latin, American Sign Language (ASL), and/or Spanish (based on enrollment and qualified personnel) in the middle school years. In addition to communicative skills, they learn about the culture of the people who speak the language. 

Students are encouraged to become proficient in at least one language other than English by the time they graduate from high school. This skill assists in functioning in a more global society, both within the United States and abroad.

The middle school world language program:

  • Introduces a language other than English
  • Teaches students to communicate at a basic level in a language other than English
  • Promotes respect for other cultures

National World Language Standards

ACTFL National Standards and Summary - American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, Summary of World-Readiness Standards for Learning Languages

Maryland State Curriculum

MD State Department of Education World Languages - MD World Readiness Standards, COMAR Regulation 13A.04.11 for World Languages, World Language Open Education Resources


Jill Williams
Administrative Assistant

(301) 644-5133

Dr. T. DeWayne Cash
Curriculum Specialist, World Languages

(301) 644-5133


Essential Curriculum and Other Resources

  • ACTFL - Benefits of learning a world language
  • Aslpro.com for an online dictionary of signs/phrases in ASL
  • BBC Languages for practice, phrases, grammar, slang, TV, radio, and footage from countries that speak the language
  • Duolingo.com for vocabulary, grammar, sentence, and translation practice for various languages
  • MD Seal of Biliteracy
  • Memrise.com for vocabulary/phrase practice for various languages
  • Tarheelreader.org for free, easy-to-read books at the novicel level in various languages