Frequently Asked Questions

What does "LYNX" mean?
It stands for Linking Youth to New Experiences.

Will all high schools in Frederick County have LYNX?
Frederick High is the first high school in the county to incorporate LYNX. LYNX may expand to other high schools in Frederick and other counties in Maryland in the future.

Why Frederick High?
Frederick High has a diverse population of students with a wide range of interests, experiences, and needs. That fits perfectly with LYNX. It’s designed to provide a flexible, highly individualized high school experience.

Is LYNX at Frederick High a public school?
LYNX at Frederick High School is a public high school under the authority of the Board of Education of Frederick County and Superintendent of FCPS.

When did LYNX launch at Frederick High?
LYNX began when the new Frederick High School campus opened in fall 2017. The Class of 2021 was the first graduating class to experience four full years of LYNX.

How is LYNX funded?
Frederick High is funded like any other public school in Frederick County. Some LYNX opportunities are sustained through grants.

Why did LYNX at Frederick High require special legislation from the state?
Maryland provided new legislation that allows LYNX at Frederick High to move beyond the traditional ways students earn credits.