
LYNX partnerships vary, but there are some general expectations of business and community partners. The main expectation of all partners is the ability to interact with and impart career-based knowledge to high school students.

Partners should be able to discuss their chosen career and provide advice to students to help them identify whether a specific career would be a good option for them.

Partners work with LYNX students during the school year, though the exact time commitment depends on partner interest and availability.

LYNX partners can engage with students in a variety of ways outlined on the LYNX Experiential Learning continuum:

LYNX Experiential Learning Continuum

Experiential Learning with LYNX Partners

Grades 9-12

LYNX Experiences:

  • Career exploration in the workplace and community
  • Events and expos at FHS

Grade 10

  • "Power Skills" sessions with LYNX partners
  • Understanding workplace expectations

Grades 11-12

  • LYNX work placements
  • Internships
  • Job shadowing

Grade 12

  • Work Study
  • Apprenticeships
  • Part-time employment