Flexible Schedules

LYNX students have flexibility within a structured framework to construct schedules that meet their individual needs and interests. At Frederick High, we offer a traditional, staggered, or extended day schedule that includes opportunities for face-to-face, blended, and virtual learning experiences:

Option 1: Traditional Schedule (4 credits per semester)
First Block Second Block Advocacy Third Block
(with lunch)
Fourth Block
7:30 - 8:50 AM 8:55 - 10:15 AM 10:20 - 10:55 AM 11:00 AM - 12:50 PM 12:55 - 2:15 PM
Option 2: Staggered Schedule (4 credits per semester)
First Block Second Block Advocacy Third Block
(with lunch)
Fourth Block Fifth Block
Student does
NOT attend
8:55 - 10:15 AM 10:20 - 10:55 AM 11:00 AM - 12:50 PM 12:55 - 2:15 PM 2:20 - 3:40 PM
Option 3: Extended Schedule (5 credits per semester)
First Block Second Block Advocacy Third Block
(with lunch)
Fourth Block Fifth Block
7:30 - 8:50 AM 8:55 - 10:15 AM 10:20 - 10:55 AM 11:00 AM - 12:50 PM 12:55 - 2:15 PM 2:20 - 3:40 PM

Frederick High School operates on an expanded daily schedule:


Breakfast 7:00 - 7:30 AM
First Block 7:30 - 8:50 AM
Second Block 8:55 - 10:15 AM
Advocacy 10:20 - 10:55 AM **
Third Block 11:00 AM - 12:50 PM

1st lunch 10:55 - 11:25 AM (late bell 11:30)
2nd lunch 11:35 AM - 12:05 PM (late bell 12:10)
3rd lunch 12:20 - 12:50 PM

Fourth Block 12:55 - 2:15 PM (buses depart daily at 2:25)
Fifth Block/Learning Lab 2:20 - 3:40 PM
Supper 3:45 - 4:15 PM (buses depart daily at 4:15 PM)
**AM CTC will return at 10:30 AM
**PM CTC will leave for lunch at 10:45 AM