Organizational Culture of AchievementGoal 1: FCPS will equip each and every student to be an empowered learner and an engaged citizen to achieve a positive impact in the local and global community. |
1. Increase the percent of students “on track” in 9th grade by two percentage points each year based on Blueprint/MSDE reporting. (Baseline: state definition 2022-2023).
2. Increase the percent of students meeting CCR requirements in both ELA and Math at the end of 10th grade based on Blueprint reporting by 10 percentage points each year for the next four years. (Baseline 2021-2022)
3A. Increase the number of students attending preK at each tier by 12 percentage points each year. (Baseline 2022-2023)
3B. Increase percent of students demonstrating readiness on KRA.
4A. Increase the percent of Grades 3-8 students scoring proficient and distinguished in each student group, each year, by three percentage points on MCAP ELA and six percentage points on MCAP Math using a cohort model. (Baseline 2021-2022).
4B. Increase the percent of Grade 3 students scoring proficient and distinguished in each student group, each year, by three percentage points on MCAP ELA and six percentage points on MCAP Math.
5. Increase the high school graduation rate to 95%, have no gap greater than two percentage points by race/ethnicity group and increase special service student groups by three percentage points each year. (Baseline 2021-2022) Decrease the high school dropout rates for each student group, each year by two percentage points or maintain less than 5%. (Baseline 2021-2022)
6. Increase the percent of students not chronically absent in each student group by five percentage points or maintain 95% or above. (Baseline 2021-2022).
► Establish system-wide leadership teams to review system and school academic and behavior data and intervene as appropriate.
► Ensure, per state guidance, High Quality Instructional Materials are utilized in all core content classrooms.
► Continue comprehensive professional learning in the Science of Reading.
► Identify successful data-based practices from school Accelerated Learning Process (ALP) teams and provide professional learning to replicate positive practices across schools.
► Utilize ALP resources to support teachers’ use of equity-driven and evidence-informed collaborative practice.
► Study and pursue more equitable grading practices in FCPS ensuring Habits of Work are reported separately.
► Expand and improve upon pre-kindergarten programming in FCPS.
► Transition to a new version of the framework for teaching that supports teacher professional learning, coaching, and evaluation. This transition aims to improve equity-driven and evidence-informed instruction in FCPS classrooms.
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