System Strategic Priority Area 1

Organizational Culture of Achievement

Goal 1: FCPS will equip each and every student to be an empowered learner and an engaged citizen to achieve a positive impact in the local and global community.

Key Action Steps

► Establish system-wide leadership teams to review system and school academic and behavior data and intervene as appropriate.
► Ensure, per state guidance, High Quality Instructional Materials are utilized in all core content classrooms.
► Continue comprehensive professional learning in the Science of Reading.
► Identify successful data-based practices from school Accelerated Learning Process (ALP) teams and provide professional learning to replicate positive practices across schools.
► Utilize ALP resources to support teachers’ use of equity-driven and evidence-informed collaborative practice.
► Study and pursue more equitable grading practices in FCPS ensuring Habits of Work are reported separately.
► Expand and improve upon pre-kindergarten programming in FCPS.
► Transition to a new version of the framework for teaching that supports teacher professional learning, coaching, and evaluation. This transition aims to improve equity-driven and evidence-informed instruction in FCPS classrooms.

Key Performance Indicators

1. Increase the percent of students “on track” in 9th grade by two percentage points each year based on Blueprint/MSDE reporting. (Baseline: state definition 2023-2024)

2. Increase the percent of students meeting CCR requirements in both ELA and Math at the end of 10th grade based on Blueprint reporting by 5 percentage points each year for the next four years. (Baseline 2023-2024)

3(A). Increase the number of students attending preK in Frederick County by 10% each year as established through a mixed-delivery system until there is an even distribution of public and private seats to be achieved by 2028-2029.

3(B). Increase the percent of FCPS preK students demonstrating readiness on the KRA by 3% each year. (Baseline 2025-2026) (revised KPI effective July 1, 2025)

4(A) Increase the percent of Grades 3-8 students, in each student group, scoring at or above proficient each year by five percentage points in both MCAP ELA and MCAP Math.

4(B) Increase the percent of Grade 3 students in MCAP ELA and Grade 5 students in MCAP Math, in each student group, scoring at or above proficient each year by five percentage points. (Baseline 2023-2024)

5. Increase the high school graduation rate to 95%, have no gap greater than two percentage points by race/ethnicity group and increase special service student groups by three percentage points each year. (Baseline 2021-2022) Decrease the high school dropout rates for each student group, each year by two percentage points or maintain less than 5%. (Baseline 2021-2022)

6. Increase the percent of students not chronically absent in each student group by five percentage points or maintain 95% or above. (Baseline 2021-2022).

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