System Strategic Priority Area 3

Safety & Wellbeing

Goal 3: FCPS will pursue and utilize all resources strategically and responsibly to achieve identified outcomes and inspire public confidence.

Key Performance Indicators

10. Decrease the percent of students with disabilities identified in each student group to mirror the student population if the identified group is disproportionate. (Baseline 2021-2022)

11. Increase the percent of Grade 2 students meeting benchmark by three percentage points on DIBELS end-of-year assessment. (Baseline 2022-2023)

12. Decrease the percent of students suspended out of school in each student group by one percentage point (or maintain below 1%); no student group greater than 5%; and have no schools identified as disproportionate in suspension by MSDE. (Baseline 2021-2022)

Key Action Steps

► Refine and align implementation of the FCPS Code of Conduct in all FCPS schools and ensure appropriate data monitoring protocols and systems to respond equitably to prevalent needs.

► Implement evidence-based Tier 1 programs in all FCPS schools to promote positive social/emotional/behavioral skills for students.

► Invest in FCPS staff, from recruitment to retirement, ensuring highly qualified and effective staff have the skills/training needed to provide services and supports to promote the success of students with disabilities.

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