System Strategic Priority Area 4

Stakeholder Engagement

Goal 4: FCPS will nurture relationships with families and the entire community, sharing responsibility for student success and demonstrating pride in all aspects of our school system.

Key Performance Indicators

13. Maintain and strengthen our active partnerships at the school, department, or system level annually. (Baseline 2021-2022)

14. Increase the favorable response rate of parents to 90% on the family engagement survey. (Baseline 2022-2023)

Key Action Steps

► Identify how the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future has benefitted all schools. Use multiple platforms to share progress with a focus on schools in traditionally underserved communities.

► Create resources tailored for families with limited English proficiency to facilitate their engagement with the community. Ensure that all engagement opportunities adhere to the criteria outlined in the established standard operating procedure.

► Assess the necessity of additional staff to ensure our objective of delivering accurate and timely information to all members of our community is met. Additionally, maintain ongoing reminders to school-based staff regarding the importance of providing translations.

► Implement rubric scoring as a primary means of assessment and transparently report student progress along key milestones in a child’s learning journey

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