System Strategic Priority Area 5

Student & Staff Experience

Goal 5: FCPS will promote a culture fostering wellness and civility for students and staff.

Key Performance Indicators

15(A). Increase access to gifted and talented programming to mirror FCPS student demographics. (Baseline 2021-2022)

15(B). Increase access to advanced coursework (AP/IB/Dual Enrollment/CTE Completer) at high school to mirror FCPS student demographics. (Baseline 2021- 2022)

16. Increase the favorable response rate of students and staff to 90% on the systemic survey related to school climate, safety, and well-being. (Baseline 2022-2023)

17. Increase the favorable response rate of students and staff to 90% on the systemic survey related to workload, academic challenge, and available support. (Baseline 2022-2023)

Key Action Steps

► Ensure needed resources (i.e. interventions), staffing, professional learning, and progress monitoring tools for school Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) teams.

► Create an Inclusive Guidebook including models for FCPS teachers and provide comprehensive professional learning in inclusive practices to include effective coteaching.

► Enhance career awareness opportunities in elementary, middle, and high schools and provide coaching opportunities for all secondary students.

► Design and implement a Peer Assistance and Review (PAR) system, including the development of the Consulting Teacher role, to provide more intensive support to new teachers and those in need of growth in FCPS.

► Refine new teacher induction offerings and teacher coaching and mentoring programs to ensure alignment of the new PAR system.

► Ensure equity-driven practices to enhance a sense of belonging for students and staff.

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