Investment Committee

Policy 101

The committee's purpose is to manage the investment of the OPEB trust fund. The committee hires an outside professional investment manager to assist them in this process. The committee is responsible for ensuring the funds are invested in accordance with the BOE Investment Policy.

Committee members consist of the FCPS Chief Financial Officer as Trustee, a representative from each of the three bargaining units, one representative from the Administrative, Management and Technical (AMT) employees, one representative from the Human Resources Department, two members from the community, a retiree, and a non-voting Board of Education liaison.  Members are expected to attend quarterly scheduled meetings, which will typically occur during the day. The committee may schedule other ad-hoc meetings from time to time. 

Upcoming Events


OPEB Meeting

8:30 AM

Other Post-Employment Benefits (OPEB) Meeting Virtual For information about the abo...


OPEB Meeting

8:30 AM

Other Post-Employment Benefits (OPEB) Meeting Virtual For information about the abo...

Investment Committee Vacancies

The Investment Committee is not accepting vacancy applications at this time.