Superintendent Dr. Cheryl L. Dyson
Dr. Cheryl L. Dyson is in her third year as superintendent for Frederick County Public Schools, where the core mission is supporting every child, every day. Dr. Dyson is a fierce advocate for children and works diligently to ensure they thrive. She believes her role as Superintendent provides the opportunity to connect families and community partners to schools in service of every student in FCPS. Her passion is fueled by the promise that education is heart work - igniting a true love of learning and sense of belonging for students, staff and families.
Dr. Dyson’s systemic goals include: an organizational culture of achievement; maintaining operational excellence; providing effective intervention strategies for all students; developing timely, transparent and concrete ways for families to engage FCPS and provide feedback; and implementing practices and procedures that ensure the safety and well-being of students and staff.
Dr. Dyson is honored to serve as superintendent in her home state and in the community where she earned her Doctorate in Organizational Leadership at Hood College in Frederick.
Prior to joining FCPS, Dr. Dyson served as an MCPS associate superintendent, where she supervised 70 schools. She has served as a teacher, school-based administrator and Central Office leader in her 26 years of service in public education.
Contact Information
Dr. Cheryl L. Dyson
Julie Roberson
Executive Assistant