Educational Facilities Master Plan

The FCPS Educational Facilities Master Plan (EFMP) is a 10 year plan that sets goals and addresses future school facility needs in response to enrollment growth, County Master Plan studies, renovation needs, changes in educational programs, state requirements and related issues. FCPS updates the EFMP annually as approved by the Board and submits it to the Maryland Department of Planning in accordance with their requirements.

This is the 2022 annual update of the Educational Facilities Master Plan.

Board of Education Approved Educational Facilities Master Plan
(Warning: Large file, please be patient when opening)

Executive Summary Interactive Map *

Interactive Residential Development Pipeline Map (Figure 2B) *

Interactive Capital Projects Map (Figure 7E) *

*Note: maps are best viewed using Chrome browser.

We have broken down the Educational Facilities Master Plan into individual chapters for faster downloads.


Cover and Acknowledgments

Table of Contents

Executive Summary

Chapter 1: Planning Context

Chapter 2: Community Analysis

Chapter 3: Inventory and School Facilities

Chapter 4: Evaluation of School Facilities

Chapter 5: Enrollments and Capacity Needs

Chapter 6: Capital Projects

Chapter 7: Recommended 10-Year Capital Improvement Plan

Appendices A-E (Budgeting Documents)

A: Draft FY 2024 Board of Education Capital Budget
B: Frederick County Executive Jan Gardner’s proposed FY23-28 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) and Frederick County approved FY 22-27 CIP
C: Proposed calendar for the EFMP and FY2024 Capital Budget
D: Frederick County Capital Improvement Program Policies
E: State IAC Funding Priorities

Appendices F-J (Planning and Growth References)

F: Excerpts from Livable Frederick Master Plan, Adopted by Frederick County, September 2019 and September 2012 Frederick County Comprehensive Plan Maps
G: Excerpts from City of Frederick 2020 Comprehensive Plan
H: Frederick County and Municipal Residential Developments
I: FCPS Pupil Yield Rates
J: Future Potential School Site Locations

Appendices K-M (FCPS Inventories)

K: Relocatable Classroom Assignments for August 2022
L: FCPS School Facilities with Abbreviations and Grades Served
M: FCPS Facilities Inventory IAC/PSCP 101.1

Appendices N-R (Policies and Procedures)

N: School Closing Procedures and Policy 200 and Regulation 100-02
O: FCPS Redistricting Policy 200 and Regulation 100-02
P: FCPS Use of School Facilities Regulation 100-01
Q: FCPS School Construction, Renovation and Maintenance Policy 202
R: FCPS Transportation Policy 441

Appendices S-V (Program Information)

S: Alternative Education Program
T: Special Education Program Description
U: Career and Technology Education Program Description
V: Staffing Ratios

Appendices W-Z (Official Approvals)

W: MDP Approval to Use Local Enrollment Projections
X: Statement of Non-Discrimination
Y: Planning Department Statement of Consistency with the Comprehensive Plan
Z: Statement from LEA Certifying Acceptance of the Plan

Appendix AA (FCPS Attendance Boundary Maps)

AA: FCPS Attendance Boundary Maps and Feeder Pattern Relationships for 2022-23 School Year

Appendix BB (FCPS School Construction Timeline)

BB: FCPS Historical Timeline of School Construction