Linganore-Oakdale-Urbana Redistricting Study: Final Decision Frequently Asked Questions
What attendance boundaries will change?
Existing attendance boundaries for Centerville and Urbana elementary schools were adjusted to create an attendance area for the new Sugarloaf Elementary School. The Deer Crossing, Liberty and New Market elementary school attendance boundaries were adjusted to create an attendance area for the new Blue Heron Elementary School. Green Valley, Twin Ridge, Oakdale and Spring Ridge elementary school boundaries were adjusted to balance enrollments.
Oakdale, New Market and Windsor Knolls middle school attendance boundaries were adjusted to align feeder patterns and to balance enrollments. Urbana and Linganore attendance boundaries were likewise adjusted.
When will the Board of Education’s decision go into effect?
Changes to the Urbana, Centerville, Green Valley and Twin Ridge attendance areas, as well as all middle and high school attendance areas, will go into effect for the 2020-21 school year. All other attendance boundary changes will go into effect the following year in September 2021.
Can my child stay at their current school?
Parents of students who will be in the 8th, 10th, 11th or 12th grade for the 2020-21 school year, and are redistricted from one school to another as the result of the recent Board of Education LOU redistricting decision, will receive an email and a letter by USPS from Frederick County Public Schools stating that their child is eligible to remain at their current school (Board approved grandfathering provision). The email/letter will detail how you may respond by November 15th to indicate that your student will continue at their current school.
Can I apply for an out-of-district transfer so that my child will stay at their current school?
In accordance with Board of Education Regulation 400-15, an out-of-district transfer request that is the result of a Board of Education approved redistricting will be denied. For additional information regarding out of district transfers, please contact the Student Services office
Where can I find the link to the interactive map?
The interactive map link is on the project page at Click on this link to go to the project page. Then scroll to the bottom of the page. You will find the interactive map (magnifying glass icon). Enter your house number and street name here, then click enter. The map will zoom to your property. A drop down box will also appear and will identify the attendance area that you are currently in as well as the attendance areas for the 2020-21 and 2021-22 school years. There will also be a statement identifying whether or not your property is impacted by the redistricting.
When will information regarding new bus routes and bus stops be available?
Information regarding new bus routes and bus stops for next school year, including those areas recently redistricted, will be available in August 2020. If you have additional transportation questions, please contact the FCPS transportation office by calling 301-644-5366 or emailing