Middletown Campus Feasibility Study

Middletown Campus

Photo credit: ©2021 Pictometry


Holly Nelson
Project Manager


(301) 644-5026


The Middletown School Campus is located in the heart of the Town of Middletown and hosts three FCPS schools.

Middletown Elementary School (ES) is located at 201 E. Green Street at the southwest corner of the campus. The building was constructed in 1974 and has had no additions or major renovations, with a total area of 54,854 gross square feet (GSF). The school was originally constructed with an open space design. Classrooms and administrative areas are on one level with a gym/cafeteria on the lower level. Middletown ES serves students in grades three through five and also hosts a regional Expressions program. The building has a state rated capacity of 480 students. Enrollment as of September 2022 was 440 students. Enrollment is projected to remain stable over the next ten years, with a September 2031 projected enrollment of 416 students.

Middletown Middle School (MS) is located at 100 Martha Mason Street at the southeast corner of the campus. The two-story building was originally constructed in 1953 with additions in 1957, 1976 and 1995 resulting in a total area of 114,974 GSF. Other than systemic improvements such as upgrades to the science labs, there have been no major renovations to this building. Middletown MS serves students in grades six through eight and has a state rated capacity of 1,052 students. Enrollment as of September 2022 was 788 students. Enrollment is projected to remain steady in the coming decade, with a September 2031 projected enrollment of 734 students.

Middletown High School (HS) is located at 200 School House Drive at the north end of the campus. The administration and classroom portions of the building are a single story with a gym and pool located on a lower level. The building was originally constructed with an open space design in 1974. Additions and renovations that enclosed most of the open space classrooms were completed in 1997 and 1998 resulting in a total area of 189,641 GSF. Middletown HS serves students in grades nine through twelve and has a state rated capacity of 1,328. Enrollment as of September 2022 was 1,081 students. Enrollment is projected to grow slightly in the middle of the ten-year period before declining to 1,061 in September 2031.

Middletown elementary, middle and high schools are all aging and rated as “critical” on the Facility Condition Index (FCI). A critical FCI indicates that many of the facility systems such as roofs, heating and air conditioning equipment, plumbing are nearing or have reached the end of their useful life.

Feasibility Study Process

FCPS began a feasibility study in April 2022 to determine the best way to modernize and meet capacity needs at all three schools on the Middletown campus. The purpose of the study was to identify school renovation and additional space needs, options for meeting those requirements, and estimated costs for each option. Furthermore, the team also considered construction phasing, project schedules, traffic flow and available space for relocating students in the development of a concept master plan for the campus. FCPS will use the completed feasibility study recommendations to prioritize capital improvements for the Middletown campus within the Educational Facilities Master Plan.

FCPS engaged Moseley Architects to lead the team in the feasibility study. The feasibility study began in April 2022. The team considered the existing buildings’ physical condition and the ability to provide space for our current educational programs within the existing buildings.

During the feasibility study, staff worked with a consultant to consider several options for each building:

  • renovate the current building,
  • renovate and expand the current building,
  • or replace the current building with a new building.

Feasibility Study Recommendations

The Board of Education reviewed the final study and recommendations at the November 9, 2022 meeting.

The Board of Education directed staff to present the recommendations to the community (see meeting info below).

The following video summarizes the feasibility study options from the perspective of a current student.

Community Engagement

FCPS is committed to keeping stakeholders informed about the feasibility study process.  We know that the ultimate plan for the campus and buildings as well as the construction phasing will impact everyone in the Middletown feeder pattern. Information about the progress of the study and community updates will be shared on this page as well as in school newsletters.

Click here to access our Frequently Asked Questions document. This document will be updated regularly as the study progresses.

Middletown Campus Feasibility Study Initial Information Meeting

FCPS hosted an initial meeting on Tuesday, April 26, 2022 at 6 PM in the Middletown HS auditorium. View presentation slides. Questions and comments from the event have been added to the Frequently Asked Questions document..

Middletown Campus Feasibility Study Recommendations Presentation

The feasibility study team presented the final recommendations for the Middletown Campus Feasibility Study to the Middletown community on Thursday, November 17 at 6 PM in the Middletown HS auditorium. Feedback from this meeting will be shared with the Board of Education.

PTA Presentations

FCPS staff will be attending upcoming elementary PTA meetings to present the feasibility study recommendations and take questions and comments.

January 12, 2023, 6:00 PM – Myersville ES PTA

January 25, 2023,  7:00 PM – Wolfsville ES PTA (virtual meeting)

January 26, 2023,  6:00 PM – Middletown PS/ES PTA (at Middletown ES)

If you are unable to attend the meetings but would like to provide feedback, please view the November 9, 2022 Board of Education presentation video and/or the Knights Journey video and submit comments or questions to Middletown.Campus@fcps.org.

Middletown Campus Feasibility Study Board of Education Decision

The feasibility study team will present a recap of the feasibility study, the results of the community outreach conducted and the educational specifications for the co-located elementary and middle building at the February 22, 2023 Board of Education meeting. The Board of Education is expected to make a decision on the recommendations.