Waverley Area Redistricting Study
Scope of Work
The new Waverley Elementary School will open in the fall of 2022 with a state rated capacity of 1019. The redistricting study primarily balanced enrollments at Waverley, Hillcrest, Whittier and Butterfly Ridge elementary schools using the additional capacity available at the new Waverley ES. Minor changes were also made to West Frederick, Monocacy, and Crestwood middle school attendance areas as well as Frederick and Governor Thomas Johnson high school attendance areas to reconcile feeder patterns.
The redistricting study was guided by Board of Education Policy 200 and Regulation 100-02.
Board of Education Approved Attendance Boundaries
The Board of Education approved new attendance boundaries on February 23, 2022.
The Board of Education approved the Superintendent’s recommendation with the following revisions:
- Meadow Drive, Lovely Court, and Prospect drive in the Meadowcrest community off of Old Receiver Road and all parcels with addresses on Old Receiver Road will remain in the Whittier Elementary School, West Frederick Middle School, and Frederick High School feeder pattern.
- Current students in 7th, 9th, 10th, and 11th grade may remain at their current schools with parent transportation. Emails will be sent explaining the process to request that students in these grades remain at their current school.
The new attendance boundaries will go into effect for the 2022-23 school year. New attendance boundary maps can be viewed by clicking on the links below.
- New elementary school attendance boundary map
- New middle school attendance boundary map
- New high school attendance boundary map
Find Your School
To find your school click on the following link: www.croppermap.com/fcpsmdredistrict.
Please clear your browser cache before opening the webpage to ensure the information is completely up to date. Once arriving to the website select “Choose Map Layers to View” where you will be given the option of selecting elementary, middle, or high school 2022-23 boundaries. Then select the search bar (the magnifying glass next to the plus and minus symbol) and type in your address then hit enter. The curser will then appear on your property with a pop down list showing the attendance boundaries for the current (2020-21) and next (2021-22) school years. This will also identify whether the address has been impacted by the redistricting or not.
Facilities Planning Department
(301) 644-5025